Me Time

The old illusive Me Time. Honestly I get a bit irritated by the term Me Time it sounds so contrived. A bit like play date, whatever happened to just coming to play?


I digress…

I have to admit that actually I get plenty of me time it’s just interspersed with lots of  ‘stuff to do’ time. I think when people talk about Me Time they mean a big block of time dedicated entirely to themselves and their own interests and I’m not sure I need or want that. Perhaps I’m too boring and wouldn’t really know what to do with myself even if I had loads of me time. **I’ve got to stop using that term-I’m beginning to annoy myself!**

Recently I went away with work to London, which meant once my working day had finished about 8pm I had the rest of the evening to myself. I must admit to being fairly pleased with this prospect. Eating out meant-NO WASHING UP, living out of a suitcase meant-NO WASHING, which meant NO IRONING!!!!!!!!!!!! **Happy dance-Jazz hands** Now this was real Me Time if ever I saw any. So I ran a bath, extra hot knowing that they was no possibility there would be a little person who wanted to share it. I had also been sent a Wilkinson Sword Intuition Ultra Moisturise razor to review so thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

The razor is different to most because it comes with a block of soap that fits around the razor cutting down on shaving time because you don’t need to bother with shaving gel. I sank in to my lovely bubbly bath, with a book and a cuppa: heaven.

MIND BLURT:   I’m always amazed by how hot the water is in hotels considering how many people could be using it at the same time-this then leads me to conclude our boiler must be crap because we have to run the water for about 20 years before it gets warm.”

Anyway back to my relaxing bath. I had a look at the razor, I have to admit my first impressions were it was quite bulky and I was sceptical that it would make shaving ‘easier’ I mean it’s hardly taxing is it? But in for a penny, in for a pound.

Well, it was amazing and so much easier! I get Eczema on my shins and shaving really angers it normally-not with this razor. Plus it was so easy I did ABOVE THE KNEE!!!! So I think that speaks for itself.  Well done Wilkinson Sword.

The Intuition is available for £6.99 from Superdrug, Boots and lots of other retailers. Refills are priced at £6.49 and come with 3 replacement blades and soaps. Currently the razor box has a £2 off voucher so this makes the refills affordable I think.

So after my bath I settled in bed with my book and another cup of tea. it was lovely I must admit, not to have to run up and down the stairs fetching a night time drink, bear, a particular blanket, I’ll be back in 5 minutes, please try to settle down now. But predictably after the first night I missed the kids, I missed tucking them up in bed and kissing them goodnight.

So… Me Time is great but I’m glad to have

Family Time,

Rushing round like a blue-arsed fly Time,

Mummy and Son Time,

Falling asleep 20 minutes in to a film Time,

Couple Time,

Mummy and Daughter Time,

Jesus where are my keys/phone Time,

Leave me alone I’m trying to wee Time and

Is it nearly bed Time?!

Because quite frankly without a little bit of chaos life would be pretty dull.

*Disclaimer* Although I was gifted the Wilkinson Sword Razor my thoughts and opinions are my own

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