Book Worms Unite!

As an avid reader I love everything to do with books, the array of covers, the authors picture and bio, the feel of a book and even the smell! There is nothing better than immersing myself in a different world and I love that feeling of being desperate to know what happens next-there isn’t a better feeling than reading a book you just cannot put down.

I know I know-you’re thinking I’m a weirdo right?? Well maybe I am but I know I’m not the only one.

I even LOVE talking about books. When I meet someone new I am much more likely to ask ‘so what book are your reading’ rather than ‘what do you do’. I think it says so much more about a person than their job. Not all of us are lucky enough to do a job that is perfect, that they love and feels is representative of them as an individual; but a book is completely your choice. Or rather normally it is…this brings me perfectly on the the premise behind The Blind Date Book Company.

The old adage ‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’ is good advice but if we’re honest we are all guilty of it. I have lost count of the times I have chosen a book because of it’s amazing cover and been disappointed by the story; so the idea behind this company intrigued me.

You choose your book based on a 4 word description and that’s it… No peeking at the cover just 4 simple words.

How exciting!

I just had to have a go. I must admit I was concerned it may be a book I had read previously because of how prolifically I read but I needn’t have worried. I chose my 4 words:





I know what you’re thinking…great choice…they are good words right?!

I could not wait for it to arrive and luckily I didn’t have to wait long as it arrived the very next day-good service.

I was thoroughly delighted by how lovely the packaging was, there is something so nice about getting a gift so beautifully wrapped through the post that makes you feel special. I have to admit to savouring it, really appreciating how lovely it was not knowing the next book I was going to read.

Then as I turned it over to open it I spotted the teabag! A book and a cuppa-now this is my kind of heaven-throw in a biscuit and it’s perfect! (See how rock and roll I am?? You’re jealous aren’t you??) There was also a little letter that began…

Dear Love,

You are about to start a brand new adventure and maybe fall in love with some new characters. We at the Blind Date Book Company welcome you to new concept of finding the perfect book.

When I finally stopped admiring the packaging and, if I’m honest, wishing I’d thought of this whole idea I actually opened my book. I was thrilled to see it was Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.

Not only a book I hadn’t read but exactly the type of thing I love to read. Full brownie points TBDBC.

So I did as instructed, popped the kettle on and dunked my Teapigs teabag and settled down to begin.

**Lovely cuppa by the way**

Well I couldn’t put it down, I read it anywhere and everywhere; whenever I could grab 5 minutes. Sometimes whilst stirring dinner, other times sat in the bathroom whilst Seren had a bath and a lot of times when there was football on. Then all too quickly I was finished.

What a wonderful experience from start to finish…it was true I had found new characters to fall in love with and a book to rival my all time favourite Wuthering Heights. I loved receiving such a pretty gift and reading a book I hadn’t chosen myself.

Fabulous idea.

It would be such a lovely treat for yourself or a gift for someone and at £7.99 + postage it is totally affordable.

If you would like to find out more please head over to their Etsy shop: The Blind Date Book Company

**Disclaimer** Whilst I was gifted my book, all my thoughts and opinions are my own.

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