4 Child free night- P-A-R-T-Y right??!

My wonderful Mum and Dad offered to take the kids away to Dorset in their touring caravan for 4 nights. This is the longest I have ever been away from Seren and only the second time Rhys has been away for longer than just the one night.

This was an amazing offer and has saved us a fortune in childcare costs and plus I knew the kids would have a whale of a time. Crab fishing, swimming, donkey rides, sand sculptures, fish and chips the list of memories waiting to be made could go on and on. And I must admit I was excited at the prospect of 4 whole nights child free.

But honestly the reality has been that Martyn has had to work away two out of the four nights and I miss the kids terribly. I don’t really know what to do with myself! It also became clear that having kids is not as much of a sacrifice as people make out. There is nothing that I have done this past week that I couldn’t have done with the kids and actually would have enjoyed more.

Funny really, when you haven’t got kids you look at parents and think ‘God I can’t imagine having kids’; then when you have them you look at childless couples and think ‘what do they do with all that bloody time?’ The only answer I can come up with is sleep a bit more.




I mean don’t get me wrong when you aren’t getting enough sleep it’s like the holy grail; some godlike nectar that you fantasise about. But when you are getting enough a little bit more is… meh.. whatever. It’s nice. But it’s not essential.

I have just realised that in writing this I probably seem to some people like a complete saddo, but do you know what?? I don’t care. I love being a mum and my kids are great. I mean, don’t get me wrong it isn’t always easy and there are somedays when it is downright hard but truthfully I love it.

Even though I miss them, I am so glad that they have such lovely grandparents. Grandparents that love them and want to spend time with them and take them on holiday and make memories that will last a lifetime. So even though I will know next time that I will miss them and feel lost, I will still wave them off happily knowing that they will have a marvellous time and I will get them back.

I will get them back, happy and excited to see me, excited to tell me all of their stories about their adventures and memories!

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